Welcome to the Starlite Lounge! Take off your coat, order a Manhattan, sit back, and stay awhile.

Tonight’s talent hails all the way from the creatives at Arnold Worldwide. Please put your hands together for the musical styling of… The Progressive Box, one of the many icons representing car insurance company Progressive!

‘Lounge Act’


“Lounge Act” features The Progressive Box crooning alongside a piano player to a rapt audience. His songs are all from his new album, “Live From The Starlite Lounge.”

Voiced by actor Chris Parnell, The Progressive Box’s singles include classics like “Love Is Dangerous.”

Love is dangerous

But driving safe means you pay less!

And who could forget “Switch And Save (668 Clams)?” It’s a timeless classic full of silky sounds about switching car insurance providers.


If you haven’t already noticed, The Progressive Box’s album isn’t an actual compilation. It’s several songs cleverly jazzed up about the benefits of switching to Progressive. Like saving $668 when you switched, for instance. (The aforementioned clams.)

Interestingly enough, The Progressive Box was Progressive’s first choice for a brand spokescharacter. Before Flo, Progressive initially wrote out scripts for a “talking and winking box.” Progressive would later debut ad campaigns in 2012 starring The Progressive Box and putting him back into the spotlight.

Listen to The Progressive Box’s full musical performance now. He’s here all night!


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